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Florida: (850) 878-6404
North Carolina: (919) 847-8632

Florida: (850) 878-6404
North Carolina: (919) 847-8632

COVID-19 Related Factory Shutdowns Adversely Impact Vehicle Allocation

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted, rather severely, the OEM’s ability to turn out new product.  Shortly after the pandemic hit, plants were limited and/or closed, and new motor vehicle production ground to a halt.  The downstream impacts to dealers may have been minimal at the...

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Thinking About Passing Along Your New Vehicle Franchise to a Family Member Upon Retirement? … It May Not be Quite so Easy

Most dealers assume that when it comes time to retire from the dealer owner-operator position you will be able to designate a family member as your replacement. Increasingly, the manufacturers are refusing to honor a dealer’s designated replacement. These manufacturers, General Motors being one...

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Responding to Audit Notices

I wrote about manufacturer audit activity earlier this year, because there appeared to be an uptick in activity levels and there can be serious consequences depending on the findings of the audit.  That activity has continued, and I will address some of the same considerations when an audit...

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